1 Aparthotels in Roubaix available

L'Hotel De France picture
8.3 (76 reviews) 220 / night

1 Grand Place, 59100 Roubaix

Providing city views, a restaurant and free WiFi, L'Hotel De France provides accommodation in a prime location in Roubaix, within a short distance of Roubaix National Graduate School of Textile Engineering, La Piscine Museum and Jean Lebas Train...

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Justine Texier Justine Texier Article written on 4 April 2024

Frequently asked questions

What are the cheapest aparthotels in Roubaix ?

The cheapest aparthotels in Roubaix are : L'Hotel De France.

What are the most famous aparthotels in Roubaix ?

The most famous aparthotels in Roubaix are : L'Hotel De France.

What is the average cost of 1 for a weekend in Aparthotels in Roubaix ?

The average price of aparthotels for one night in Roubaix is 220 €.

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